Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Nike's community gamble

If a brand can recognise a specific customer need and do a nice turn in community marketing, it should be win-win, right?
Possibly not. The Nike Air Native N7 has been produced in consultation with Native American tribes, will be sold only to Native Americans and a percentage of monies raised will go to Native American health programmes. Nike says Native Americans have wider-than-average feet (up to three width sizes larger than the typical Nike shoe) and that Native American communities suffer from higher than average levels of obesity and diabetes.
There are less than 3 million Native Americans according to the 2000 census, and the N7 is a small attempt at tackling some of their problems. Nike hopes to raise $200,000 for welfare programmes.
As I see it, the downside is Nike has admitted its core offer is no use to Native Americans, it does nothing for non-Native Americans with wide feet, and other ethnic groups will want to know 'what do we get?'. It would be nice to think Nike will get round to everyone. As Kipp says: What price the Nike Air Arabia?

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